Saturday, May 28, 2016

Donald Trump And The Art of Political Propaganda

I actually had to put some thought into what to title this posting. Not because it was difficult to come up with one, but because American has become so politically polarized, I dare not try to inadvertently fuel that particular reality ethos. However, at the same time, I know that there are those who favor a particular political ideological persuasion will see a "bias" behind every blog posting, news report, fact-check, or rosebush that doesn't paint their views in a flattering light, no matter how much effort goes into trying to maintain objectivity.  This is particularly, though not exclusively true for those with a conservative bent.
And as we are so politically polarized, its easy to understand why Republicans can't fathom Hillary Clinton's popularity among many Democrats, or Donald Trump's among many Republican. Aside from the possibility that these presumptive presidential candidates for the 2016 Presidential Election have messages that strike a resonate chord with their respective followers, there is another possibility; better self-promotion.

Presumptive Republican Party presidential candidate Donald J. Trump

What makes this possibility more than existential is the proven fact that propaganda, combined with boundless self-promotion and the appearance of self-assurance in the hands of of someone with years of experience, can yield a virtual Cult of Personality for a virtual master of the craft. To illustrate this point, please watch this piece from last night's episode of HBO's "Real Time With Bill Maher." As I know the name Bill Maher can evoke instant revulsion and trigger a reflexive urge to simply click off this posting, I would urge you to suspend your preconceived beliefs and at least consider why political candidates might be so successful in the eyes of fanatical adherents....and why some are not.


  1. It never ceases to amaze me when liberals claim superiority in , well everything. Yet day after day I hear more and more insults, accusations, innuendo and character assassination. And for a group that claims to have the facts and are in possession of them, why do liberals never complete their rant with specifics? And I literally mean never.
    I've heard Trump is a criminal, he's destroying America, he's going to cause a nuclear war, yadda yadda but never an example to sustain such rhetoric. And to the contrary all the evidence (facts) point to the opposite conclusions.
    As for the polarity giving that an actual pensive moment, it's relatively easy to see where thats coming from,, just ask yourself would JFK who lowered taxes increased military spending, was the only president in our history that almost launched a nuclear war (hsd us at DEFCON 1 ) during the Cuban missile crisis. Didnt believe in abortion. would he get todays Democrat backing for president? No he wouldn't, Democrats have changed so much in the last 30 to 40 years its now easy to find a video of every leader you ave contradicting themselves a few short years earlier.

    Furthermore everything they promote, every piece of legislation they write, every bill even considered is based on the same theme, create more government, increase taxes, and just like with Planned parenthood figure out how to get kickbacks from it.
    Now everything I've just outlined here is provable fact, and I'll bet you come back with some insulting retort but never address the actual issues. Just thought I'd chime in with some reality, I'd love to hear what high crime or misdemeanor you all want to assert for impeachment proceedings, heck it was only a month ago every liberal news agency said "That's it Trumps done he's going to have to resign his presidency is over"

    Two years of investigating and all that was uncovered were crimes by Hillary, Comey, and a slew of other Democrats. Proof actual proof they committed multiple serious felonies, and none of you care. All you can talk about is getting rid of this president for no crime. That tells me everything I need to know about your ideology and said polarization. I wonder do any Democrats out there truly understand the trouble your facing these days? In all sincerity you'all need to change your game the one your using has been had.

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