The Worship of Sports in America

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

The King is Dead...Long Live the King!

In the eyes of the adoring, he was undeniably innocent. In the eyes of the cynical, he was undeniably guilty of robbing innocence...but no one can deny his impa...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Iranian Protests...a Historical Primer.

Note: This article was originally published with the American Chronicle on 06/25/09( link:’s one of those ironies of life that no matter how much education, experience, or power a person has, they will always seem to make wrong choices…especially when their perceived self-interests or emotions impact these wrong choices. That’s exactly the dynamic we are witnessing as events are playing themselves out in Iran following the residential elections of 2 weeks ago.Many political leaders from both...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Paying Students to Learn…Another Bad Public School Policy!

One reason why in recent years there has been a proliferation of Internet blogs, talk radio/T.V. programs, and printed punditry is because there are so many bad policies either in proposal or in effect that people like myself have enough ammunition to fire off salvo after salvo of witty rebukes, cynical insights, and constructive counter-proposals well into perpetuity. Now bear witness to such an example.Last evening, as per my normal daily routine to stay informed, I was flipping back and forth between the major networks’ evening news broadcasts....

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Female Reproductive Rights…and Wrongs (or “Lunacy Made Easy”)

A week ago today (Sunday) during church services in Wichita, Kansas, a church usher was shot dead. In this particular case and as church ushers go, this usher’s professional notoriety was a stark contrast to the relative anonymity of church ushers in general. The usher killed was Dr. George Tiller, a family man by reputation, and a medical doctor by profession. To the point, Tiller was an abortion services provider—late-term abortion specifically—and...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Health Care Insurance, Health Thyself!

As if overcrowded emergency rooms, closing hospitals, service cuts, exploding health care costs, and charity strains aren’t enough to illustrate the need for some form of universal health care coverage in America, the nonpartisan health care advocacy group Families USA released a study late in late last month that provides yet another compelling reason why universal health care coverage is long overdue( the report, the organization noted what amounts to a “Hidden...