The funny thing about race in America is that it is often never raised as an issue when it should be, and ignored when it shouldn’t be. Take the field of politics for example.Last week, President Obama gave a speech at a Washington D.C. gathering of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) which could only be described as “fiery” in both its content and delivery. Last Saturday, the president told black lawmakers to “quit crying and complaining” and to support his policy initiatives, including his latest one to create jobs.In sounding more militant...
The Worship of Sports in America
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -
How The Middle-Class Got Screwed (Video)
A most simplistic explanation of how the economic problems of the middle-class has become an actual threat to their well-being.
Why I'm Not A Democrat...Or A Republican!
There is a whole lot not to like about either of the 2 major political parties.
Whatever Happened To Saturday Morning Cartoons?
Whatever happened to the Saturday morning cartoons we grew up with? A brief look into how they have become a thing of the past.
ADHD, ODD, And Other Assorted Bull****!
A look into the questionable way we as a nation over-diagnose behavioral "afflictions."
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Affordable Health Insurance & Politics - Separating The Ideological BS From Reality!
1:45:00 PM
Health Insurance, Political Ideology, Political Inaction, Politics, Rational Thinking, Ron Paul, Tea Party

Regular readers to Beyond The Political Spectrum know that I am a rabid proponent of universally affordable health care coverage for all Americans. After all, if America is truly to be “the land of opportunity,” then there is nothing more basic to [the] equality of opportunity than having the good health (or access to) to be able to work hard, and to have the strength to work toward better opportunities for oneself…infant-level common sense to be...
Monday, September 19, 2011
For The Aspiring Political Activist…The Most Politically-Charged Colleges Campuses
Before I begin this week’s post, I would like to say that this post marks a milestone for me. This is my 100th post here on Beyond The Political Spectrum, and I would like to thank those who regularly visit my page and e-mail me their thoughts and suggestions (and to those who haven’t heard back from me, I am diligently working to make their issue suggestions known). It’s a labor of love that I enjoy bringing to you. And now without further adieu, my thoughts for this week…When I began college back in 1991, I had just come out of a period of...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Health News - Advances In Treating & Preventing Cardiac Arrest (...Or, "A Story With A Heart!")
One of the better experiences to come from this labor of love—blogging—is that, despite the many socioeconomic ills and levels of political polarization ongoing in America, I can often bring you tidbits of hope in the sea or man’s-inhumanity-to man.This is actually a tale of two happenstances: the first being an illustration of what happens when people can ignore differences and unite to help someone in need, and the second marking recent advances in heart attack treatment and prevention. Back in January of this year in the small town of Goodhue,...
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