The Worship of Sports in America

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let's Talk About Race, Baby! Conclusion

Continued from Part 2 ( with most things concerning the issue of race in America, the incident between Henry Louis gates and the Cambridge, Massachusetts Police Department, everything was and is about individual and group perceptions. And perhaps no single issue with regarding race illustrates this more than the hot button topic of affirmative action.Depending on one’s personal...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Let's Talk About Race, Baby! Part 2

Continued from Part 1 ( anyone wants to see how truly polarizing the issue of race is in this country, one needn’t venture any further than the Internet. Brimming with vitriol and diatribes about how whites are unrepentantly racist “devils,” and how blacks should “get over the past,” the ‘net is an excellent barometer for measuring the depth of discontent which lies below the surface of the thin veneer of social calm we perceive, especially in light of the election of the nation’s...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Let's Talk About Race, Baby! Part 1

It’s been said that there are three sides to every story…yours, mine, and the truth.In America the issue of race, much like a social disease, is one of those things that people would wish would just go away. But like herpes, it’s a chronic pathology with occasional outbreaks which remind the body public that there is an underlying problem in our society.Its also one of those subjects—like certain diseases—that has been studied, explored, analyzed,...